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How to Boost Your Sales on Father’s Day

boost father's day sales

Holidays are always a great opportunity to boost your sales, especially when they come just before the slower parts of the year such as summer. Even though Father’s Day is not as profitable as major holidays, it still accounts for nearly $13 billion in sales.

As such, it pays off to create a marketing strategy to accompany this holiday and see a boost in sales just before the summer. In this article, we’ll share 10 ways to boost your store’s sales for Father’s Day.

10 Ways to Boost Your Store’s Sales This Father’s Day

Below, you’ll find a mix of marketing, design, and promotion tips that will help you see an increase in sales as Father’s Day approaches.

Image credit: Pixabay

1. Start Promoting Early

If you want to see an increase in sales, it goes without saying that you need to start promoting early. Waiting around until the week before Father’s Day will not yield the results that you want so create your marketing strategy now and start marketing and promoting your products.

Think about what you’ll need to do to get your site ready. This may include adding a banner at the top that announces Father’s Day sale and replacing your usual featured products with items geared for dads on the homepage. Next, you’ll want to create promotional content for your social media accounts as well as for your email list.

Go beyond highlighting products and share messages such as Throwback Thursdays with dads, asking customers to share why their dad is the best, and find other creative ways to generate buzz and excitement.

2. Bundle “Dad” Products Together

Go through your store’s inventory and list all the items that would be suited as Father’s Day gifts. Consider creating bundles of similar products and offer them at a discount. You can also offer BOGO deals.

This allows families to buy their dads a mega gift where each family member can claim credit, rather than buying separate gifts.

3. Target Moms and Kids

Don’t forget that primary buyers will be moms, wives, and kids so target your messages accordingly. Aside from the social media messages that invite customers to share stories about their dad like we’ve mentioned above, consider asking them to share photos of their dads or with their dads or share their favorite “dad joke”.

You can then spotlight dads on your social media accounts and in your email campaigns.
Sharing messages such as these go a long way towards making customers feel like they can relate to you, build trust, and boost sales.

4. Run a Contest

Another great way of boosting sales is to run a contest on social media. Contests are always popular no matter the occasion so there’s no reason not to use it now.

It allows you to put a twist on simply sharing posts about dads by using them as a contest entry to win a specific product from your store. You can use software such as Rafflecopter or Gleam to make it easy to share and get entries as well as to facilitate selecting a winner.

5. Partner With Another Business

You can also partner with another business in your area. For example, if you sell fishing gear, you could partner with a camping store where each of you offers a discount to their customers.

Alternatively, consider offering gift cards or certificates for a local restaurant, a related a toy store or a spa salon where dads can spend some time with their loved ones.

6. Send Coupons

Sending coupons and discount codes that can be used on particular items or on the total purchase is a great way to encourage sales. You can send out those coupons to your email list and make it easy for them to redeem them with a single click on your website.

But, you can also send them as postcards with regular mail which allows you to stand out from the competition and add a more personal touch to the campaign.

7. Introduce Urgency

Add urgency to your campaigns by adding a countdown timer at the top of your store that counts down the days until Father’s Day. This allows customers to be reminded of how many days they have left and convince them to buy gifts ahead of time so they don’t have to risk losing the item they want.

Other places where you can include the timer include the header of individual product pages or the sidebar your site.

8. Set up Abandoned Cart Sequence

If you haven’t already, set up an abandoned cart sequence for your store. As Father’s Day approaches, you’re bound to see some abandoned carts as some customers are still in research mode.

However, abandoned cart happens for a variety of reasons so it’s best to be prepared and make sure you don’t lose out on sales no matter the reason.

Abandoned Cart Pro

You can use a plugin like Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce and create a simple 3-email sequence to remind customers to come back and complete their purchase.

9. Allow Customers to Schedule Their Delivery Dates

There is nothing worse than ordering your product and then missing the delivery or having the item show up after the special occasion. You can avoid this by allowing customers to choose their delivery date at the time of purchase.

This makes it easier for them to actually schedule the delivery at the time and day when it works for their schedule so you don’t have to make multiple delivery attempts. It also ensures that their perfect dad gift will show up time for Father’s Day.

Order Delivery Date Pro

Our plugin, Order Delivery Date Pro, can help you implement this functionality for your online store.

10. Test Your Site and Optimize If Necessary

Lastly, you’ll want to test your site to make sure there are no glitches and optimize your checkout page if you notice something needs improvement. Go through the shopping process yourself and see if you can identify any potential issues during the purchase process.

If your checkout process has more than one page, now is the perfect time to consider simplifying it and switching to one-page checkout. Alternatively, consider using a progress bar to help your customers understand how many steps they have left before finishing their purchase.

You’ll also want to test your store on mobile devices to make sure the browsing experience and the purchase process is as smooth as it is on desktop devices. Make sure your site is responsive and the checkout fields can easily be completed even on smaller screens with a smaller keyboard.

Get Ready for Father’s Day Sales

Father’s Day will be here before you know it so now is the perfect time to create your marketing strategy and optimize your site. Use the tips in this article to prepare your store and boost the sales for this Father’s Day.

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