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How to Set WooCommerce Minimum and Maximum Product Quantity Based on Product Categories?

When online store owners want to restrict control over the product quantities for a particular category, then this code snippet is a handy solution for them. The code helps to fix the minimum and maximum quantity for products belonging to a particular category. For example, in the code we have specified the category slug of ‘tshirts’ and ‘electronics’ and the min-max rule will be set for products of these categories only.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_quantity_input_args', 'ts_min_max_qty_simple_products', 10, 2 );

function ts_min_max_qty_simple_products( $args, $product ) {
    $allowed_categories = array( 'tshirts', 'electronic' ); // Replace 'category-slug-1' and 'category-slug-2' with your category slugs
    // Check if the product is in one of the allowed categories
    if ( has_term( $allowed_categories, 'product_cat', $product->get_id() ) ) {
        // If the product is in one of the allowed categories, set min and max values
        $args['min_value'] = 3;
        $args['max_value'] = 6;
    return $args;


When a customer visits the product page of these categories of ‘tshirts’ and ‘electronics’, then the fixed quantity rule of minimum value of 3 and maximum value of 6 as specified in the code will be set. Customers will not be able to increase/decrease apart from the specified minimum and maximum value.

Similar to the above min-max quantity rule, you set minimum and maximum allowable product quantities to be added in WooCommerce cart by creating these fields in the product data section of the admin backend.

Browse more in: Code Snippets, WooCommerce How Tos, WooCommerce Tutorials

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