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How to find available bookings within a date range?

This post discusses on how to setup WooCommerce Booking Availability Search widget with the WooCommerce Booking and Appointment plugin.

How does our widget work?
Using this widget, you can search products as per their availability. The widget has 2 fields which needs an input value, Start date and End date, from the customer. You can see which products are available on your store for any particular date. The search result will display a list of all the products which are available for the searched dates.

Where to find the widget ?
You will find the WooCommerce Booking Availability Search widget under WordPress Appearance-> Widget menu where all the widgets from WordPress, WooCommerce plugins are available.

WooCommerce Booking Availability Search widget
WooCommerce Booking Availability Search widget in WordPress Appearance-> Widget menu

Add different labels to the widget fields
You can label the widget and it’s fields as per your requirements. There are 5 different fields which can be labelled. The five fields are: Title for the widget area, Start date, End date, Text on the Search button and a textarea where you want to add any note for your customers to see.

Widget Labels
Labels for the Widget

Adding the widget on your site front end
You can add our widget in any of the sidebars available on your site. The sidebars will differ depending on the theme you are using on your site. So when you click on our widget from WordPress -> Appearance-> Widget menu, a list of all the sidebars available in your theme will be listed. You can select any one of them, set the labels for the fields and the widget will be ready to use.

Add the widget to the available sidebars.

The result:
When you search for any date or a date range, all the products which are available for that particular date or for the entire date range, will be listed on the shop page.

If you select any product from the search result, that product will have the searched dates pre-populated in the Booking fields.

Search Result


Some key Points:

  1. If the ‘Duplicate dates from first product in the cart to other products‘ setting is enabled from the Booking-> Settings menu, and if there is a product which is already added to the cart with booking dates, then the searched products will not have the searched dates pre-populated in the Booking fields on the product page. The booking dates which are selected for the existing product in the cart will be pre-populated  in the Booking fields on the product page.
  2. The searched dates will stay in the widget date fields until the browser is closed.


The setup for the widget is quick and easy.

The widget adds an advantage to your site as it would help your customers to sort the products which are available for their required dates in a glance, before they place the order.

You can have a better user experience using this widget. It will search all the products that are available for your booking dates and you can add the product to the cart without selecting the dates again.

Browse more in: Documentation, How Tos, Tutorials

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3 months ago

Thank you for this insightful post on finding available bookings within a date range!
Your clear instructions and helpful tips have made the process much easier to understand and implement. Great work!

2 years ago

Fantastic post!
Thanks for sharing information about booking within a date range.

7 years ago

Hello ! Thank you very much for letting me test it ! (Still going to send you the thing !) It does actually work (as far as I could see) ! I’d only have to create a shortcut for the voucher template that includes the chosen time + date to have it show up on the finished gift vouchers… I’d just have to know what to insert /: (Here’s the link again just cause Idk if my english explains it right (^_^#) : ) For now I think we could manage without the attributes in the search widget…. but… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Also, we are going to do the purchase tomorrow the 25th of November

7 years ago

Hi Barbara, We have not tested our plugins with “Woocommerce PDF Vouchers” Plugin so I am unsure about their compatibility. Kindly send us the “Woocommerce PDF Vouchers” Plugin copy on below e-mail address so that we can test it with our plugins and let you know about the compatibility. E-mail Address: kartik@Vishal Or you can install “Woocommerce PDF Vouchers” Plugin on my staging website test according to your business requirements. Below are the links. Admin end link of staging website: Front end link of staging website: Username: demo Password: demo Please let me know if you need… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh, sorry, I’ve got another question ! Does it work combined with woocommerce layer navigation widget(s) ? can customers filter f.e. a certain type of event (= different attributes/values) on a certain date ?

7 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Hi Barbara, We have not tested our search widget with WooCommerce Layered Nav Widget so I am unsure if combining these two widgets will work or not. I read in description of WooCommerce Layered Nav widget that it allow the user to refine products based on attributes. Similarly, we have customized our search widget for one of our clients. We have added an option called “Search By Category” in our search widget which allows customers to search the product based or category and booking date. Please see this video: As you see in the above video, the customer can… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Kartik Parmar

Hey Kartik ! thank you very much for your effort ! This looks very close to perfect ! The only thing that keeps my from buying your product is that I need to filter for more than one attribute at the same time (lets say the customer filters the “events”/products for Bands and also wants to filter for a type of music (rock/folk/…) and also wants to know the ones that have a female frontsinger. Like, filtering with an “AND” query type…. thats as much as I know ^_° If thats possible, I’ll make the purchase (:

7 years ago
Reply to  Kartik Parmar

Kartik ? /:

7 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Hi Barbara, I apologize for the delay in response. From the provided example, it seems like you want to search the products by the categories as well as by filtering the attributes. Currently, it is not possible in our plugin’s search widget so to have such filtering option we have to customize our plugin’s search widget. As you already know that we have implemented search by category option for one of our clients and if you are interested in customization then please let me know so that accordingly I can discuss it with my seniors and let you know how… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Kartik Parmar

Yes, we would like to filter for attributes and categories and the products that are not always available should be shown at any search. Also we are using Woocommerce PDF Vouchers and need the chosen Date and Time on the Voucher. Would you be so kind and send us an offer for that customization! Thank you very much Emanuel

7 years ago
Reply to  Emanuel

Hi Emanuel, We have implemented “Search by Category” option for one of our clients. Have you seen the video which I shared with Barbara? If not, below is the video in which you can see the functionality. Video: Similarly, you need option for enabling and selecting the attribute values and according to the selected date, category, and attribute products should get listed? Please let me know. I will let you know the time and cost estimation once I am clear about your requirements. Can you please let me know that you are facing difficulties in setting up the product… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Kartik Parmar

Would be very important for us! 🙂 And we need the plugin very soon.

7 years ago
Reply to  Emanuel

Hi Emanuel,

Can you please let me know that you also want the same thing Barbara asking for? If not, then please elaborate your requirements so accordingly, I can provide you an optimal solution for it.

Please let me know.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kartik Parmar

Yes, we are in a team! also, we are now using “woocommerce PDF Vouchers” Plugin…. and the date/time booked needs to be on the voucher – it is compatible with woocommerce bookings! here some links that might help!

its compatibility:

its developer docs:

AAAND: how to add INFO to the Voucher (towards the bottom of the site)

is this also compatible with your plugin? if so, I’ll do the purchase the second I get your “yes”… we are very much looking forward to it!!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x