Some of the businesses who offers time based services provide some discounted prices to their customers in special occasions like festive seasons or during the slack periods. One of the time based business is salon & spa. They may provide services to the customers with discounted prices during festive seasons or in slack periods.
One can setup such services with different rates in two ways with our Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce. One way is creating time slots for weekdays and another way is creating timeslots for certain dates.
In this post, we will see how to setup services on certain dates offering special hourly rates with Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce.
Setup services on certain dates offering special hourly rates with WooCommerce: Admin Experience
Let’s say you are providing salon and spa services and you want that your customers should be charged less on some particular time slots of the date rather than a normal price.
The first step is to add the product from the Products->Add Product link and give product title as Enrich Salon and Spa and set regular price for it. On the same page, there is a Booking meta box where you can do all the booking settings for your product.
In the “Booking Options” tab, select the Enable Booking option. Enable Specific Dates option, which is under “Select Booking Method” section and choose dates in Specific Date Booking option on which you are offering salon and spa services. I have selected dates “4th November 2016, 7th November 2016, 16th November 2016, 25th November 2016, and 28th November 2016”.
![Services on certain dates - Booking Options](
Select Enable Booking Time option to add the time slots for all the chosen dates. Once selecting this option, Add Time Slot button will get enabled. Here you can specify all the timings and rates for your salon and spa. As you can see in below image I have added 2 time slots and its prices.
- 11.00am to 01.00pm : Rs 800
- 05.00pm to 07.00pm : Rs 900
![Services on certain dates - Time Slot added](
You can add more time slots as per your requirements by clicking on the Add Time Slot button. Once you have created all require time slots and enabled booking settings then publish the product.
All the added time slots for the date will be listed in Specific Date Time Slots section of the Manage Dates, Time Slots tab. As I have selected “4th Nov 2016, 7th Nov 2016, 16th Nov 2016, 25th Nov 2016, 28th Nov 2016” and created 2 time slots for each so total 10-time slots will be listed there.
![Services on certain dates - View of added time slot and rates in Manage Dates, Time Slots tab](
Once all the time slots are created for Enrich Salon and Spa and suppose you want to delete any of the time slots, then you can delete it by clicking on delete icon next to the time slot.
After completing all the above mentioned steps, the “Enrich Salon and Spa” is now available and the customers can book your service on available dates and time slots.
Setup services on certain dates offering special hourly rates with WooCommerce: User Experience
This is how “Enrich Salon and Spa” will appear when the customer visits to book an appointment. As you can see in below image that the dates 7th November 2016, 16th November 2016, 25th November 2016, and 28th November 2016 are shown enable in the calendar so the customer can choose a date among these dates.
![Services on certain dates - Frontend of Enrich Salon and Spa](
Once the customer selects the date to book an appointment for your salon and spa, a drop down will appear and all the available time slots will be listed. In our case, available time slots are 11.00 am to 01.00 pm and 05.00 pm to 07.00 pm.
![Services on certain dates - Available timings after selecting appointment date](
After selecting the booking date and time, the price of the chosen appointment will be displayed and Add to Cart button will get enabled. I have selected 05:00 pm – 07.00 pm time slot for booking an appointment and accordingly the price Rs. 900 has been displayed.
![Services on certain dates - Front end after selecting Date & Timing](
Clicking on Add to Cart button will add the product to the cart and message will be displayed on the top of the product page with View Cart button to visit your cart.
![Services on certain dates - View Cart button](
As you click on View Cart, you will be redirected to the Cart page which will show details of the appointment of salon and spa you have booked.
![Services on certain dates - Cart page](
Unless you don’t want to update your cart, you can go to the Checkout page by clicking on Proceed to Checkout button.
The Checkout page will show the details of the appointment and the total amount for your booking. You can place your appointment if everything seems fine. The Checkout page gives you a preview of the actual appointment. Please ensure you check everything and then click on the Place Order button.
![Services on certain dates - Order Received page](
Various businesses want to set their bookable products with differed price according to the timings for certain dates. Our Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce provides this facility in two ways and makes the booking convenient and easy for both the admin as well as the user.
The above example was for simple WooCommerce product. One can also use this setup for WooCommerce Variable product. To setup the services which can be booked on time slots for certain dates will take around 20 minutes to complete everything for the first time.