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Enhancing Functionality and Customer Satisfaction: Pflicht & Kür’s Experience with Our Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

Pflicht & Kür, a prominent German advertising agency, faced critical challenges with their previous booking plugin that hindered their ability to meet customer demands effectively. Seeking a reliable solution, Mascha Bengesser, the agency’s owner, turned to Tyche Software’s Booking & Appointment plugin for their WooCommerce website. This case study delves into their experience, highlighting the problems solved, business impact, and overall satisfaction achieved through the adoption of our Booking and Appointment plugin.

Problem Solving

Mascha Bengesser identified several issues with their previous plugin, including technical glitches, conflicts with the website’s theme, and the inability to customize certain aspects crucial to their workflow.

Our Booking and Appointment Plugin addressed these concerns, offering seamless integration, and adaptable features (such as easy-to-access booking calendar customization options). Most importantly, the plugin allowed Mascha to prevent customers from scheduling appointments for days that were already over in a calendar month, catering precisely to Pflicht & Kür’s needs.

Are you offering services and looking for a dependable way to take BOOKINGs online?

Booking & Appointment plugin for WooCommerce is filled with service business-friendly booking features to bridge your customer needs and your offerings, simplify the booking experience, and improve customer experience.

Business Transformation

The transition to Tyche Software’s Booking and Appointment plugin marked a pivotal change for Pflicht & Kür. Mascha Bengesser emphasizes that customer satisfaction is their top priority. The previous plugin’s malfunction due to numerous bugs had led to months of frustration and inadequate support.

However, the exceptional and swift support provided by Tyche Softwares was a significant relief. This ensured a functional plugin, enabling Pflicht & Kür to meet their customer’s booking needs promptly and efficiently.

Measurable Impact

While the plugin has been operational for only a few months, Mascha Bengesser hasn’t yet quantified its impact on business growth or monetary increases. However, the immediate positive response and reliable functionality suggest a promising trajectory for enhancing customer service and potentially fostering business growth.

Extension Utilization

Pflicht & Kür primarily focused on leveraging the core functionalities of the plugin to streamline their booking process. They did not explore the extensions in an experimental or playful manner but rather utilized them in a purpose-driven manner to meet their immediate business requirements.

Closing Remarks

“People at Tyche Softwares are doing great! They value every customer, that is something special. Keep it up!”

– Mascha Bengesser
Founder, Pflicht & Kür’s

In concluding the discussion, Mascha Bengesser commends Tyche Software’s commitment to delivering an exceptional product and providing a level of support that significantly alleviated previous frustrations.


Pflicht & Kür’s adoption of Tyche Software’s Booking & Appointment plugin stands as a testament to the transformative impact of a reliable and functional solution. The plugin not only addressed critical technical issues but also contributed to elevating customer satisfaction, a fundamental aspect of Pflicht & Kür’s business ethos. Moving forward, this positive experience sets the stage for potential business growth and continued client satisfaction.

Browse more in: Case Studies, WooCommerce Booking & Appointment

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