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Price revision from April 1 2022

Let’s rewind back the clock to 2015 for a bit..

We had less than 10 people in our team, we had 4 plugins and we had just started working from our first real office from April 2015.

It was the first time I spoke at a WordCamp, that too in our home city, WordCamp Mumbai. November 2015 was also the year when I visited Sofia, Bulgaria & attended my first WordCamp there.

We also released the Product Delivery Date plugin in 2015, on demand from our customers. Before that, we used to suggest them to use the Booking & Appointment plugin if they wanted to capture product deliveries.

And I could go on & on… But why am I taking you back to 2015?

Because 2015 was also the year when we last revised our plugin prices. Actually the current prices that you see, they were changed in October 2014.

So it’s been a long 7 years…

A lot has changed in our business in the last 7 years – the plugin quality, it’s features & our team – in skills & in team size, both. And ofcourse, the plugin sales have increased & so have the costs!

And that is why, this is the right time that the plugin prices are revised.

We are going to be revising all our plugin prices from 1st April 2022. In fact, some of them have already been revised. For the plugins such as Booking & Appointment plugin, Delivery Date plugins, Abandoned Cart plugin, Deposits plugin & our bundles – these would be changed from 1st April 2022.

What happens to existing customers?

If you are an existing customer or if you purchase the plugin before 1st April 2022, then you would continue to enjoy all the same benefits at those prices – including future renewals. This means you get compounded savings over the future years.

My Recommendations

Option 1 (highly recommended): Purchase a bundle

We have 3 bundles in total. If you want to lock yourself in at lower prices for all our plugins, I would suggest you purchase either the All Access Bundle OR purchase the other 2 bundles, namely Store Essentials Bundle & Premium WooCommerce Plugins Bundle. Those 2 bundles will cover all the plugins that are offered in the All Access Bundle. Bundles offer you the maximum savings at this prices.

Option 2: Purchase your favorite plugin

If you like any 1 plugin of ours & you want to purchase that one, then this is the right time to purchase it. For example, if you are already using the free version of one of our plugins, then you could upgrade it to the Pro version.

Option 3: Upgrade your existing license

If you are an agency or a freelancer, then you could upgrade your existing license to a higher one.

You may ask: Why should you purchase from us & how much would you save?

Incase you haven’t yet purchased a plugin from us, you may have already used one of our free plugins. But still you might wonder why should you be purchasing a plugin from us? I would give you top 3 reasons:

  1. We have a rock-solid customer support team that’s available 16 hours in a day (we are planning to scale this to 24 hour support in next couple of months).
  2. We listen to our customers – on calls, over emails and improve our plugins based on customer feedback.
  3. The quality & features of our plugins is top-notch, proven by the reviews our customers (like you) have given us on our Facebook page, on our plugins & on our website. You can also check out some of our case studies here.

Here are the details of the new plugin prices:

All prices are in US Dollars
Plugins Current Prices New rounded price
(1 site)
New rounded price
(5 sites)
New rounded price
(10 sites)
Prices to be revised from 1st April 2022
Booking & Appointment $119 $199 $299 $399
Abandoned Cart $119 $149 $299 $349
Order Delivery Date $99 $149 $299 $349
Product Delivery Date $99 $149 $299 $349
Deposits $99 $149 $299 $349
Prices already revised from 4th March 2022
Product Input Fields $39 $59 $199 $249
Custom Order Status $39 $59 $199 $249
Custom Order Numbers $29 $59 $199 $249
Payment Gateway based fees & discounts $39 $59 $199 $249
Product Prices by User Role $49 $59 $199 $249
Call for Price $29 $59 $199 $249
Currency per product $39 $59 $199 $249
Bundle prices To be decided


Purchase your favorite plugin or bundle right now & get compounded savings throughout the years to come.



Browse more in: Tyche Softwares

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