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Story of how Green Pasture Farms grew their organic meat products business using the Order Delivery Date plugin

Based in North Lancashire area of Pendle, UK, Green Pasture Farms is a collective of traditional family farms. They sell fresh organic meat throughout the UK.

Green Pasture Farms Logo

Simon Whyatt, the founder of Green Pasture Farms, came across the Order Delivery Date plugin when he was looking for a solution that would allow him to offer different delivery schedules for different product categories.

They sell Beef, Lamb, Fish among other things. One of their requirement was that when someone adds Fish to their cart, then only Fridays should be enabled for delivery as they would deliver Fish only on Fridays. Whereas other products could be delivered on other weekdays too. This was very easily possible with our plugin.

Simon Whyatt Founder of Green Pasture Farms
Simon Whyatt, Founder of Green Pasture Farms


Simon purchased this plugin in May 2018. We asked him how the plugin has helped their fresh meat business to increase their bottom-line.

1) What sort of problem have you solved with our plugins?

We sell a range of fresh organic meat products with a range of lead times and available delivery days. For example, in general we dispatch orders from Monday to Thursday using an overnight courier service which delivers the following day.

Most product we have in stock at all times, but chickens we have to order in on Tuesday mornings, for delivery on Wednesday morning.

As a result, we can only offer chickens for delivery on Thursdays or Fridays (to ensure maximum freshness), and need to ensure that the last order for delivery the same week is placed by midnight on Monday, before we place the final order for the chickens.

The Delivery Date Pro plugin allows us to have these order and delivery restrictions come in place for anyone who has a chicken in their basket, while all other customers are still offered the normal delivery range of Tuesday to Friday.

This enables us to offer the optimum service to all our customers, otherwise we’d have to restrict everyone to the same two days, or not offer the choice.

2) How did using the Order Delivery Date Pro plugin change your business?

This plugin allowed us to switch to WooCommerce from a custom website, which was much more expensive, and less flexible.

3) Was there any measurable impact from the moment you started using a plugin of ours till now – growth percentage, the monetary increase over time?

No, because we have just switched over to a new web platform. It’s too early to tell.

4) Did you use any of the extensions in a fun, experimental way that you’d like to share with us?

Not really, unless you find Thursday and Friday chicken deliveries particularly fun or exciting…

5) Anything else which you would like to share with us.

Again just to reiterate how helpful the support has been from Tyche Software. Top marks!

Summing it up

Our support team had helped Simon with many questions during the setup. It can get complicated sometimes with a plugin that has so much to offer.

We even went beyond regular support & customized our Order Delivery Date plugin with the Flexible Shipping plugin that he is using on their site. Due to that, they are able to create custom delivery schedules in our plugin from the shipping methods added in the Flexible Shipping plugin.

Every ecommerce business owner wants to ensure that they are able to do maximum order deliveries with their resources. The Order Delivery Date Pro plugin allows you to schedule your deliveries as per your business type & the available resources (delivery vans, drivers, etc.).

Especially for businesses selling any kind of food items like meat, bakery goods, cookies, etc, it is imperative that the item stays fresh till it reaches the doorstep of the customer.

I would like to thank Simon Whyatt for providing us these valuable insights.

You can visit the Green Pasture Farms website & learn more about them.

Note: There are no affiliate links in this post.

Browse more in: Case Studies, Order Delivery Date

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